Paragliding in Pokhara

Paragliding in Pokhara

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timer Duration
1 Day
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temple_hindu Culture

Pokhara is considered one of the top 5 commercial tandem paragliding locations in the world, offering a thrilling adventure with breathtaking views. Here's what you need to know:

The Experience:

  • You'll soar through the skies like a bird, experiencing panoramic views of the Annapurna mountain range, including the iconic Fishtail Peak (Machhapuchhre), Fewa Lake, and Pokhara Valley.
    Image of Fishtail Peak Pokhara Nepal
  • Tandem paragliding involves flying with a certified pilot using a two-seater paraglider. This means you don't need any prior experience to participate.
  • The flight typically lasts for 30-40 minutes, offering ample time to soak in the stunning scenery and feel the adrenaline rush.

Take-off Points:

  • Sarangkot: This is the traditional and most popular takeoff point, offering stunning views of the valley and mountains. It's located at an altitude of 1,592 meters (5,223 ft) above sea level.
    Image of Sarangkot Pokhara Nepal
  • Mandre Dhunga: This is a newer takeoff point located at a higher altitude of 1,788 meters (5,866 ft) than Sarangkot. It offers even more breathtaking views, especially of the northern mountain ranges.


  • Paragliding in Pokhara is possible year-round, as long as the weather conditions are favorable.
  • The peak season is generally considered to be September-November and March-May, due to clear skies and stable thermals.
  • However, even during the monsoon season (July-August), paragliding can be a unique experience with lush green landscapes and powerful waterfalls.


  • Safety is of utmost importance. Always choose a reputable paragliding company with certified and experienced pilots.
  • Make sure you understand the safety procedures and ask any questions you may have before the flight.
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Mohan Subedi

Mohan Subedi is the founder of Hinepal Treks. He is a professional trek and adventure guide.

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